Monday 28 July 2014

Tutor Feedback Notes

Heres a list of notes jotted down from today's one-on-one session with Matt. 

  • Continue the 'Break The Bubble' idea > 'burst'
  • break the 'shell' idea could be continued and to generate more concepts
  • breaking out of something
  • cocoon > hatching
  • breaking free 
  • re-birth
  • trapped- idea of imprisonment
Imprisonment ideas/objects
  • chains
  • lock/ locked
  • ball and chain
  • hand cuffs
  • prison/cell
  • stocks
  • iron maiden
Ideas generated>
  • person sitting at a computer (back view) shows them sitting in the chair with a ball and chain around their ankle, glued to the computer screen.
  • Close up of eye/pupil with a lock/keyhole - caption "conversation is the key"
  • or close up idea of pupil with a 'like' logo in the eye.
  • image of an unlocked keypad
  • idea of using the 'shell' (generated from crab-random input exercise) as a protective, fragile casing of social media, that we need to break free from and to stop being dependant on.
  • using idea of 'bottom feeder' (generated from crab-random input exercise) to represent internet 'trolls' and cyber-bullying and scraping the barrel for people's personal information

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