Sunday 27 July 2014

In class Exercise - Random Input Generating

In class, we explored a new way to generate ideas and new ways of thinking through random input. We came up with random nouns and used one of them to brainstorm more nouns ( to do with that same word), brainstorm after brainstorm, we arrived at reconnecting the noun with our topics.

Here's the in-class example of social media's random input exercise...

After mindmapping the initial words that associate with 'house', we then had to find the links from these idea back to social media. And also to put them into 'taglines/headlines'.

  1. Protection/ Security - Social Media ...."Nothing's Safe Online'
  2. Living Room..."All the world's information from your living room".
  3. Comfort..."Taking you out of your comfort zone"
We then had to do this same exercise, but this time with a random image. My partner and I chose a picture of a moth.

  1. Moths are attracted to light..."Like Moths drawn to lit screens"
  2. Pests..."Pest control your newsfeed"
  3. Eating Clothes "Consumption of information"
And then for homework was to do another couple of random inputs for practice and idea generation.

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