Monday 21 July 2014

Chosen 4 posters for class

POSTER 1 - Parody and Pastiche
Take on the classic "We Can Do It" graphic design poster with "We Like This"- partitioning back to Facebook and the expression of opinion through Social Media.

POSTER 2 Parody and Pastiche
New take on the classic 'Mona Lisa', an unknown figure of art history. Pasted over her face is the recognisable profile-of-the-unknown picture used on social media websites.

POSTER 3 Substitution and Addition
Visual representation of 'pulling the plug on life', life support, power source etc. The poster shows that our lives are connected through Facebook and if unplugged or deleted, our online lives would end. A drastic end of the scale on social media dependence.

POSTER 4 Juxtaposition
A very simple and straighforward poster. A 'quit' symbol on top of the Facebook 'like' symbol. Two different images/objects put ontop of each other to create a new meaning, different from either's original meaning. 

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