Sunday 20 July 2014

Class Exercise - Poster breakdown

In class we had to discuss the Rhetoric properties of these images and the message they convey. My class partner and I reviewed this image of the American flag.

Mindmap/brainstorm of ideas about image

  • Simplicity of design reflects simplicity of message
  • Vector style, 3 colours (red, white and blue), 2d flat style
  • Literal identity, humorous, America IS a corporation
  • Image of mass production and recognition of 70% of logos, even from NZ background
  • Global influence
  • Identity embedded within flag, "freedom" run by corporations, new identity of America
  • U.S.A flag replaced stars with corporate company logos
  • Logos within logos - flag is basically a logo for America, range of logos + company purposes.
Visual Rhetoric Identification

Pastiche and Parody
  • "form of imitation, appropriation to a well-known genre. Reinterpretation and appropriation of a subject"
  • Parodying the American flag by replacing the states' stars with globally known American logos for corporations
Substitutions and Addition
  • "one language is being used for another purpose"
  • the message of 'freedom' by the American flag is compromised by the amount of corporations in the country.
  • "putting two things/images together to create a new meaning"
  • combining the American flag with recognisable logos creates a poster concerned with corporations running America.

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