Thursday 17 July 2014

First Week update.

Exercise: Ihi wehi in the environment.
On your outing, identify three observations of ihi wehi to report back next class. For each observation:
  • What is the ihi component?
  • What is the wehi component?
  • What are the characteristics that form these components? 

Personal Observations on personal outing.

I've decided to choose the option of Social Media to investigate, but still on the fence of taking a positive or negative side. I also chose to investigate places that I would go to in everyday life, rather than to go looking for obvious places. 

Basin Noodle House/ Newtown

Group of young people, about 6 or 7, 4 of which are on their phones face down away from the rest of the group.

Older generation attempting to use smart phones fluently, still struggling with the basics (what we understand as 'basics')

Cuba Street/ City Central

As its school holidays, younger children all seem to have smart phones in one way or another. Groups of young teens together, yet still focused on their technology. Can you call that social??

Almost bumping into several people who are attached to their phones, without looking up from the screen in front of them. Incredibly dangerous, considering foot traffic in Wellington city.

These observations are made every day that I leave the house. This is not a purposeful collection of observations, but a realistic and appropriate one for todays society. Its unbeliveable when you step back and see what everyone's doing. No one's enjoying the beautiful, vibrant city around them. but enjoying the virtual experience of the same thing in a tiny screen in front of them.

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