Monday 28 July 2014

Tutor Feedback Notes

Heres a list of notes jotted down from today's one-on-one session with Matt. 

  • Continue the 'Break The Bubble' idea > 'burst'
  • break the 'shell' idea could be continued and to generate more concepts
  • breaking out of something
  • cocoon > hatching
  • breaking free 
  • re-birth
  • trapped- idea of imprisonment
Imprisonment ideas/objects
  • chains
  • lock/ locked
  • ball and chain
  • hand cuffs
  • prison/cell
  • stocks
  • iron maiden
Ideas generated>
  • person sitting at a computer (back view) shows them sitting in the chair with a ball and chain around their ankle, glued to the computer screen.
  • Close up of eye/pupil with a lock/keyhole - caption "conversation is the key"
  • or close up idea of pupil with a 'like' logo in the eye.
  • image of an unlocked keypad
  • idea of using the 'shell' (generated from crab-random input exercise) as a protective, fragile casing of social media, that we need to break free from and to stop being dependant on.
  • using idea of 'bottom feeder' (generated from crab-random input exercise) to represent internet 'trolls' and cyber-bullying and scraping the barrel for people's personal information

In Class Exercise - De Bono's Hats.

De Bono's Thinking Hats

White Hat

  • Factual/objective/neutral
Black Hat
  • Problem identification/cautioning/probes fit/logical
Red Hat
  • Emotional/feelings
Green Hat
  • Lateral thinking/creativity
Yellow Hat
  • Positive opportunity/constructive/value & benefit
Blue Hat
  • Co-opter/combines hats/organises thinking
So for the class exercise, we were put into groups of each hat colour, and had to market 'Sugar-Free JellyBeans' using your hats' tactics.
I was put into the green group.
This was our resulting marketing tactic.

Green Hat -Creative
  • 'sugarfree' and 'natural' angle directed at parents
  • packaging is directed at children - bright colours
  • use a cartoon animal mascot on the packaging  - magical unicorn
  • "Magic replaces Sugar"
  • include an endorsement from the tooth fairy.

4 A4 examples of Image + Text Trials

Continuing Thumbnail - Headline work

Here are a couple pages of thumbnails of concepts that I have decided to try with headlines + taglines.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Word/Headline research.

I came across these clever advertising campaigns from HSBC Bank, showing that different words connected to the same image can give such different meanings and moods.

Homework - Random Input Generating

I chose another couple of random images to do from class for random input ideas. These were a ladder and a crab.

Ladder - word generating

  • library
  • reach
  • climb
  • steps
  • wood/steel
  • height/high
  • risk/danger
  • vulnerable
  • help
  • secure/insecure
  • primitive
  • painting
  • escape
  • storage
  • renovation
  • building/build
  • scaffolding
  1. Building/Climbing..."Build your life online!"
  2. Risk..."Remember, your private life is at risk"
  3. Escape..."Social Media, your escape from reality"
Crab - Word Generating
  • Fast
  • pinch/pincers
  • small
  • ocean/beach
  • crushable
  • fragile
  • shell
  • harmful
  • painful
  • claws
  • hermit
  • shellfish
  • bottom feeder
  • scraps
  • predator/prey
  • delicious/food
  • 'Crabs' venereal disease
  1. Hermit... "Dont be an anti-social hermit"
  2. Shell... "Social Media is a shell"
  3. Predator/Prey..."Online, you are both predator and prey"
  4. Bottom feeder..."Feeding of the scraps of your friend's lives"
Overall, it was a pretty odd exercise, but I can definitely see how this idea generation helps. I found it very useful to come up with new angles on my topic, both positive and negative.

In class Exercise - Random Input Generating

In class, we explored a new way to generate ideas and new ways of thinking through random input. We came up with random nouns and used one of them to brainstorm more nouns ( to do with that same word), brainstorm after brainstorm, we arrived at reconnecting the noun with our topics.

Here's the in-class example of social media's random input exercise...

After mindmapping the initial words that associate with 'house', we then had to find the links from these idea back to social media. And also to put them into 'taglines/headlines'.

  1. Protection/ Security - Social Media ...."Nothing's Safe Online'
  2. Living Room..."All the world's information from your living room".
  3. Comfort..."Taking you out of your comfort zone"
We then had to do this same exercise, but this time with a random image. My partner and I chose a picture of a moth.

  1. Moths are attracted to light..."Like Moths drawn to lit screens"
  2. Pests..."Pest control your newsfeed"
  3. Eating Clothes "Consumption of information"
And then for homework was to do another couple of random inputs for practice and idea generation.

Applying text (Headline + Tagline)

Adding text to a concept

  • Say it in 3 words
  • Say it in one word
  • Say it in the voice of a child
  • Say it in the voice of someone who is 100 years old
  • Say it in a serious tone
  • Say it in a humorous tone
  • Try different voices from around your topic

Here are a few thumbnails from today's class session that I drew up and applied text to during studio session...

So far, my main angles that I'm taking on anti-social media are 
  • breaking the 'bubble', coming back to reality 
  • focusing on physical repercussions
  • incorporating body (physical) with virtual (social media)

Inspiration Examples For Next Class..

Here are a few examples of successful poster designs that use pastiche/parody and make the familiar unfamiliar.
These are irrelevant to social media, but are a some good examples as inspiration.

Saturday 26 July 2014

More poster brainstorm ideas/roughs

Here are 10 more VCD poster rough poster designs that I have generated for next class.
Still pretty ambiguous, but will be refined after a good class session tomorrow.

Anti-social media brainstorming ideas

Spread of Information/Exposure

  • worshipping of exposed celebrities lives/twitter/instagram etc
  • unwanted information spread on mass media about unwanted parties/people. Uncontrollable.
Physical Repercussions
  • 'Sore thumb'
  • 'square eyes/screen eyes'
  • deformity of spine/posture and physicality
  • bullied teens/pre-teens
  • vulnerable people
  • scammed elderly people
  • victims of identity theft etc
  • exposure
  • anti-social behaviour
  • mass-bullying/ganging up
Lack of human contact
  • mental repercussions
  • depression
  • loneliness
  • isolation
  • anti-social behaviour
  • poor social skills
  • non-confrontational
Missed Opportunities
  • missed friendships/relationships etc
  • dissolving of real/existing friendships/interactions
  • missing of events
  • substituting interactions with friends for'group chat' on Facebook.
Use of Social Media as/for corporations
  • public sharing of private information
  • the use of information (private) for profit (cookies/history etc)
  • controlling of society/users of social media
  • manipulation

Social Media Propaganda Examples (Anti-social media)

Here are some examples of web searched poster designs dealing with the same subject matter as that of this project.

In class exercise - cropping tools

Using the two cardboard 'L's' I cut out, I made a cropping tool to create different points of view from the same posters that I drafted. This simple use of cropping can help resolve designs and recreate meanings within existing pieces.