Wednesday 20 August 2014


This poster is an anti-social media, propaganda-style parody of an old horror movie poster. It is a sharp and rough illustration style with a vectorised hand-drawn text. The pastiche rhetoric is very subtle, but recognisable, as well as the colour, which is a very moody palette. The poster has been designed to provoke a slight realisation in all of us and to persuade us to use social media less. After a good observation of the poster, the viewer will understand the visual metaphor and apply it upon themselves and their own personal relationships with social media. The strong visual movement drags the viewer down from left to right, diagonally, from headline to image to tagline. The desired reaction of Ihi and Wehi is for the viewer to take in the poster, admire the subtle horror parody and then take the messages upon themselves to stop and take a step back from their own lives. I hope the end result of this Wehi is for us to resist using social media and to encourage people to come back to reality. 

Jamie Bottomley

Resolved Composition + Final

Here is the final composition I resolved and printed for final mounting.

Monday 18 August 2014

Variations of new text + Tutor Feedback

After a chat with the tutors today, they agreed with the new text direction that I was taking and to also continue working on the shell shape.

  • Refine the illustration of the shell and the 'shading' for 3-dimension effect
  • maybe try the new poster back with the Nautilus shell shape.
Here are some composition explorations with the new text (Please excuse the badly drawn bottom text)

New Text Type - Handdrawn

Ive decided to try incorporating hand drawn text instead of using clean - cut text typefaces. This will match my illustration style alot more directly, and hopefully give my poster a consistent style. At the moment I feel the poster has multiple styles going on and doesnt fit comfortably.

Heres some hand drawn text inspiration I took from to create this :

New composition tests

Here are a few different composition experiments using my new poster elements (large text, different - hand drawn image etc)

Sunday 17 August 2014

Poster Wall Test

Here's a quick test of putting the poster in context with the provided 'poster wall'

Trials of Tutor feedback...

After a quick session with hanging the posters up on the wall, the tutors recommended that I :

  • try putting the word 'shell' in front of the image instead of behind it
  • try shortening the shell (not so many layers to the shell shape)
  • make the Facebook logo look stamped on to the shell instead of 'floating'
Here is a quick composition applying these changes: